Daily Devotional for August 27
August 27 John 8:12-20
I feel the darkness within. I can, of course, pretend it doesn't
exist. Yet I feel a restlessness within, a desire for something
more, and along with it, a realization that I can, if I choose,
live out my days in habitual security, somehow disengaged
from the wellspring of life. Still, I find myself just staying where
I am, doing reasonably well in the eyes of the world. I don't
know how to change.
"Be bold," I hear a voice saying as my attention is directed
to the actions of Jesus. He defied the social conventions of
his time. He went right into the Temple and challenged the
Pharisees, the very ones who had been charged with inter-
preting and explaining God's commandments to the people.
Jesus did not think and act by worldly standards. He must have
seemed crazy to people of the world. Yet he knew and was
faithful to God's plan for his life, even though it involved
confronting powerful leaders who riddled him with scorn and
hate, and being eventually nailed onto a cross.
Afraid to risk change, I hear Jesus calling. "I am the light of
the world," Christ says. "The one who follows me will not
walk in darkness, but will have the light of life."
Do you know where you come from? Do you know where
you are going? Meditate on God's will for your life... Pray
for the boldness to step out in that will. Let us pray the same
prayer for each other.
From The Road to Emmaus - An inclusive devotional Edited by Joseph W. Houle
Emmaus House of Prayer - Washington D.C.1989